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Arrowmax Track Berm Curb (AM-140518)

Arrowmax Track Berm Curb (AM-140518)

Regular price $1.00 USD
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Best known for their RC tools, Arrowmax has just released a new track product called the Track Berm Curb.  The intention of this release is to help RC facilities maintain and improve their tracks following some tough times as a result of Covid over the past two years. Thanks to the support of Chee from Hong Kong who have provided Arrowmax with the molds, each unit will sell for $1 to encourage tracks to improve in their facility as people return to racing. The plastic curbs are easily connected using a plug with various angles allowing for precision track layouts. The Track Berm Curb is also ideal for parking lot or street racers providing an easy cost effective solution to creating a layout to drive on.
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